
Ultimate Fails Compilation 2015 || FailArmy Best Fails of the Year (Part 1)

2016-01-10 6 Dailymotion

video,full,hd, 2015 was a hell of a year. Shout out to everyone who submitted videos to us, we got so many good ones weve split Fails of the Year into two parts. Here is part one, let us know what you think needs to show up in part two down below and as always, Salute!\r
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for fail compilations and hilarious videos. Powered by submissions from the awesome people, priceless reactions, and feedback from the FailArmy Nation, which stands at more than twelve million members, FailArmy delivers the best epic fails, funny animals videos and pranks from around the world, every single week. Try not to laugh when you watch our top fails of the month, seasonal specials, and, of course, the weekly “Fails of the Week” compilations, the FailArmy has got you covered for your daily dose of the viral comedy videos that will make you laugh.\r
Original Links:\r
Skater Trips over Board While Singing Praises of Taco Bell \r
How Not to Catch a Water Balloon \r
Dog Snags Quadcopter off Table \r
Queens Guard Push \r
Guy Crashes into Pool Using Table as Diving Board \r
Girl Falls off Swegway onto Butt \r
Ping Pong Player Throws Paddle at Opponent \r
Baby Swears Instead of Saying Sock \r
Overloaded Truck Topples Over \r
Powerbocker Loses Balance Before Crashing into Camera \r
Kid Knocks Drone out of the Sky \r
Man Gets Stuck on Cargo Net of Obstacle Course \r
Surfers Crash into Each Other \r
Pomeranian Puppy Has Epic Sneeze \r
Guy Crashes into Pool Using Table as Diving Board \r
Little Girl Fails at Hula Hooping \r
Guy Falls into Pool Trying to Walk Across It \r
Cat Freaks Out when Flower Gets Put on Head \r
Shooting Fireworks out of Butt Fail \r
Old Man Tries to Jump Over River but Falls in \r
Baseball Bounces Off Batters Helmet into Camera \r
Guy Tries to Free SUV from Tow Truck \r
Drunk Skater Falls Through Makeshift Ramp \r
Mom Crashes Scooter \r
Exercise Ball Collision Fail \r
Boy Faceplants off Skateboard onto Grass \r
Skateboarder Stops Suddenly and Causes Bike to Crash \r
Toddler Doesnt Know Pinky Finger \r
Skateboarder Attempts No Look Kickflip \r
Speedo Falls off Segway \r
Kid Hesitates on Diving Board and Faceplants on Pool Deck \r
Skateboarder Saves Fail by Flirting with Female Spectators \r
Cat Falls into Tub and Scurries to Get Out \r
Excited Drunk Singer Falls \r
Golfers Ball Ricochets off Tree and Hits Him in Nuts \r
Summer Ski Training Fail \r
Wakeboarder Wipes Out and Faceplants Hard \r
Kid Falls in Empty Pools Dirty Puddle \r
Chimpanzee Picks Nose in the Mirror \r
Kid Gets Hit in Face with Skateboard \r
Little Brother Hits Sister in the Face with Plastic Bat